Wednesday, May 13, 2020


I was a bit groggy when I woke up this morning.  So groggy that I placed my coffee cup upside down on the Keurig.  This is how I get my house cleaned.  Accidents lead to work.

These are the flowers that I collected for Mother's day,  including the carnation brought to me by the Instacart delivery woman.  Below are the remaining Alliums from my back deck.  The honey bees love them.

It is the time to battle the Yellow Jacket.  I have discovered from a friend that they are terrified of wasps, and will avoid them.  So, I have knitted a fake wasp nest and will hang it beneath my eaves on the back deck.  It's not really the right color, so I consider it the sampler.  I will be receiving a mushroom colored yarn to make more.  Can you believe that?  I had to order yarn.

We have gone from several days of warm (HOT) weather, to dark grey rainy days.  You would think I have lived here long enough, but I always have to remind myself that I am in farm country when I go around trying to find where "that smell" is coming from.  It's pretty ripe today as the farmers have been spreading the manure the last few days.  I call it "Dairy Air".

So many of you know that I am on dating sites in my constant endeavor to find my last love.
It is very interesting, entertaining, and frustrating.  You must be on your toes to detect the scammers.  I don't take any chances, and it is almost impossible to meet up with someone in person these days. 
Today I read a profile and I want to share what he said about love at our age:
Mature love is not an emotion, but rather an act of will, upon which the emotion of Joy grows.
I  was touched, and wrote to him immediately.

My order is in with Costco and they will be delivering later this afternoon.  Really, my house is so stocked up.  I made a commitment to a plant based diet two weeks ago and I depend on fresh vegetables.
My egg lady will be delivering me two dozen duck eggs today.  Life is good.
I started my day with MSNBC , but quickly changed to Mozart on Pandora.  Now it is B.B. King to add some energy.
Blessings to ALL.
Keep your chins up.
Find something positive to celebrate.

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