Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Religious Celebration

A dear friend of mine was ordained as a Lutheran Minister Monday evening.  Jacquie and I have been friends for over 30 years, having worked together for a good number of those.  We had our babies together, sharing maternity clothes and baby clothes.  I actually knew her husband before I knew her.  He was always asking me to set him up with one of my friends, and it never occured to me to aske Jacquie.  They figured it out themselves.

So in her 50's Jacquie was called to Seminary in Berkley.  It's been a long road for her.  I am so happy for her, I can hardly stop smiling.
At her ordination, she asked everyone to wear red, the color of the day.
Here I am in my red dress with the bouquet of flowers I had made up for her.
Present at the ordination were several people I used to work with and have not seen in many years.  Below on the left is one of my former secretaries.  She and I made a great team.  I am a pollyanna, and she is a pessimist.  I am scattered, she is organized.  I was really angry with her when she left me, but we have remained good friends.

In the middle is another friend that I have known for over 30 years.  She gets to retire on Friday.

Here is Jacquie wearing her collar.  I started crying when I saw her, and pretty much through the entire ceremony.

And here we are.  Can you imagine Jacquie and I sharing clothes?  I have a good 6 inches on her, but somehow it worked!
Jacquie has been called to St. John's Lutheran Church in Lancaster, Kansas.  If anyone out there lives in the area, you should visit her.  She is a hoot.


Tangos Treasures said...

Congratulations to her!!

Gene Black said...

What an excellent day. I am so happy you got to be a part of it.

Joanne Lendaro said...

congrats to your friend, and you look fabulous!!

Pat said...

Blessings on your friend in her new calling. You look beautiful in that dress, Linda!!! (And what a nice grouping of flowers you had put together for her.)